Below you can find some examples of APPROXIMATELY what your monthly payment would look like in different price points on different types of homes. For exact cash to close sheets, rent vs. buy analysis, and detailed monthly payment sheets, let me know and I can connect you with an incredible local lender!
SINGLE FAMILY HOMES FAIRFAX COUNTY VA - Assuming 7% down, 6.125% interest rate
$550,000 Sale price - $3640 per month
$700,000 Sale Price - $4630 per month
$900,000 Sale Price (Jumbo Loan 5.25% rate) - $5400 per month
$1,250,000 Sale Price (Jumbo Loan 5% rate) - $7440 per month
Assuming 4.5% interest rate
$550,000 Sale Price - $3050 per month
$700,000 Sale price - $3890 per month
$900,000 Sale Price (Jumbo Loan 3.85% rate) - $4680 per month
$1,250,000 Sale Price (Jumbo Loan 3.5% rate) - $6270 per month
TOWNHOUSE FAIRFAX COUNTY VA - Assuming 7% down, 6.125% interest rate, $90 Monthly HOA
$500,000 Sale Price - $3420 per month
$600,000 Sale Price - $4080 per month
$700,000 Sale Price - $4750 per month
Assuming 4.5% Interest Rate
$500,000 Sale Price - $2950 per month
$600,000 Sale Price - $3530 per month
$700,000 Sale Price - $4100 per month
CONDO WASHINGTON DC - Assuming 7% down, 6.4% interest rate, 350 monthly condo fee
$300,000 Sale Price - $2286 per month
$400,000 Sale Price - $2940 per month
$550,000 Sale price - $3900 per month
$675,000 Sale price - $4710 per month
IF YOU WANT TO GET THE LOWEST POSSIBLE INTEREST RATE, reach out to me and learn how!! I have incredible solutions available to help with the high interest rate environment that we're in, and as you can see the interest rate you get is the most important factor in your monthly payment. If you want help running payment scenarios, finding out what you can afford, or trying to buy something for similar monthly to your current rent, send me an email and let me help!